
Kickstarter Failures: Can I even handle Success?

Kickstarter Failures: Can I even handle Success?

I’m an indie making Archmage Rises, an open world RPG mage simulator (it’s like Skyrim meets FTL).  I have been asked many times by friends, fans, and devs if I will do a kickstarter. 

As a serial entrepreneur I find Kickstarter, or even the concept of crowd funding, fascinating.  Strangers can just give me money on the promise of likely getting something in return?  Wow!  In my past I’ve always had to figure out how to build the good/service first and then collect the money second!

Today I read Gamasutra’s report of a 54k judgement against Asylum Playing Cards for failed kickstarter delivery and 112k judgement against another kickstarter dev for failure.  It made me realize something.  Something from my past.